The City of Manning Fire Department is accepting bids on new fire hoses of various sizes to replace existing outdated fire hoses.  These bids will be used in a budgetary process for the current Assistance to Firefighters grant cycle FY2024.  The equipment will need to meet current NFPA standards for structural firefighting.  Only new fire hose will be considered and will need to be available for purchase upon the department obtaining a successful award. Please submit bids to The City of Manning Fire Department, 38 West Boyce Street, Manning SC 29102, by December 4, 2024 at 4pm

Hose size         Hose length   Hose color      Total needed   Type jacket  Type connection

 1 ¾ in                 50 feet                 Red                       32 sections        Double cotton       Standard m/f

1 ¾ in                  50 feet                 Yellow                 32 sections         Double cotton       Standard m/f

1 ¾ in                  50 feet                 White                   32 sections         Double cotton       Standard m/f

1 ¾ in                  50 feet                Other                   32 sections          Double cotton       Standard m/f

2 ½ in                   50 feet                 Blue                      64 sections          Double cotton       Standard m/f

2 ½ in                   25 feet                 Blue                      8 sections             Double cotton       Standard m/f

5 in                        100 feet              Yellow                 40 sections          Rubberized               Storks

5 in                        25 feet                 Yellow                 8 sections              Rubberized               Storks